As an
Amazon FBA Prep Service Provider
do you wish you had

  • Interested
  • Qualified
  • Targeted

traffic coming to your website?

Look no further!

The Seller Essentials FBA Prep Services Directory is the FIRST STOP for Amazon sellers who are researching how to outsource their inventory processing and storage.

The Seller Essentials Prep Services page is THE MOST VISITED Amazon Prep page on the Internet!
We are getting THOUSANDS of page views each month, and some of our advertisers are receiving over 200 clicks a month on their listing from our traffic!
Qualified Prep Services can receive free placement in our directory, and you can Upgrade to a Featured Ad and Reach even More Prospective Clients.
Best of all, our Featured Prep Service Providers get positioned in the top section along with additional listing on some of our other popular pages.

Check out the table below to see what each service level offers.



Business Name with Link to Website in Free Section (Bottom of Page)

Listed by US Time Zone (or International) in Free Section

Sort by US State (alphabetically) within Time Zone in Free Section

Individual Row Listing in the Featured section, and additional listing in the the Free section

250x40 Logo Linked to Your Website

Entice potential customers to click on your link whenever they hover your logo with a custom pop-up message that you create

Free Listing on Our Amazon FBM Services Page.

Free Listing on the Amazon Fulfillment Center Map Page (so potential clients can see where you are located in relation to Amazon Warehouses). One of the most visited pages on

Additional Advertising Opportunities as they become available

Random order generator giving each ad an equal opportunity to rotate into the top position on the table

Client Can Sort Alphabetically by Business Name

Client can Sort Alphabetically by Location

Client can Sort by Prep Time

Client can Sort by Service - Wholesale

Client can Sort by Service - Private Label

Client can Sort by Service - Online Arbitrage

Client can Sort by Service - Retail Arbitrage

Client can Sort by Service - Hazmat Prep

Client can Sort by Service - Used Books

Annual Rate Locked in as long as ad is renewed on time

featured prep service ad


Payable Every YEAR


This is your current listing

This is your current listing

WordPress Pricing Table Plugin is a robust information website for Amazon sellers. Google provides us with really great placement due to the relevance of our articles and pages.

Why spend ridiculous amounts of money to advertise on Google? We are able to redirect qualified traffic (Amazon sellers) to YOUR website. We even offer additional advertising and promotional opportunities to our Featured Service Providers from time to time. Things like placement on our daily OA deals list that goes out to our subscribers, email mentions and sponsorships, blog post sponsorship, Facebook pixel retargeting, and more. We should be sending leads to you, too!

Click on the button below to upgrade to a featured service provider listing and lets work together to increase your client base!

Receive all of the benefits as a Featured Prep Service Provider for only $749 annually click here